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Next Gen Knitting


We offer in person knitting lesson, for groups and individuals. Yesterday a young student returned for her second lesson. Her first lesson was a few months ago, and she had not practiced since then. This round she not only had muscle memory from the first time, she was knitting and purling without looking at her hands after the first thirty minutes! She was fearless, not reacting when the needle slipped out, she would pick the stitches up and carry on. I am in awe, not only of 'youth' but of the drive she brings because it is who she is. It is such a treat to teach/re-teach a skill to anyone, this was the cherry on top.

My neighbor's daughter took up Zine making and book binding. She packs Zine making kits for the patients at our local children's hospital, as well as sells them to raise funds for the craft corner there.

It is easy to throw a blanket statement over a generation, but I see kids doing non-screen things all the time. I heard complaints about my generation, we did not sew our own clothes let alone iron them. What bums! I am not here to preach, just wanted to share my very good Monday, and a shout out to these 10 year olds who are learning the skills and keeping them alive.



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Mon - Thurs: 9am - 4pm

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(559) 227-6333

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