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My chilly model


There are a few magic weeks in our late coming autumns when we can comfortably hold classes on the patio. It was a little too chilly for Janna this morning, in her Lang 'in between weather' top, so I draped her in some of the shop models we have for sale. I just love the look I captured, the arched eyebrow, the little grin. Janna is no longer able to see well enough to knit, but she still dresses up every day and sits in with the classes, keeping track of what everyone is doing, offering solutions and suggestions as needed. It seems terribly unfair for someone who has created such a beautiful visual world for herself and her students all these years to lose that particular sense, but we find ourselves grateful for her clear mind, good cheese in our daily picnics, and of course, dark chocolate. We keep the shop going in order to keep her walking down the hall each morning in another great outfit, Muffin running in front of her, ready for the first cup of tea for the day. Give a call and make arrangements to drop in sometime, it is easier now to balance classes and a visit. Order something from the site, she really loves when that happens. I feel like we all owe her some credit for our knitting and needlepoint skills, and for showing us how to live graciously in a chaotic world.

ps. don't tell her I wrote this mushy stuff about her, she would crown me!



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