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Forget your worries, come on be stitching

We were raised on all kinds of music, including the Beatles. My two younger sisters, yes I am the bossy oldest sister, loved to sing "We all live in a yellow submarine, without Norla", etc. When the middle sister passed away 17 years ago the youngest and I figured out that she had played the middle well, that the two against one battles never aimed at her. The joys of sibling triangles. The past two weeks have been a waiting game while the youngest went through a series of procedures, hours where I had to take my own advice to meditate instead of worry, to find faith in waiting when all else fails. It helped. Basketweave on 18 mesh is a meditation that will keep one's mind off all sorts of things one cannot control. As of this morning it seems those two little beasts will not be in the Yellow Submarine on the other side without me, for now. That canvas is closer to being completed, I am breathing more easily now, and grateful for doctors who keep trying, friends who listen, and a project I could pick up.


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