Janna opened her dream shop in 1986 focusing on her two loves, knitting and needlepoint.

There were a few exceptions early on for hardanger, some lace work, and even crochet classes, but over time knitting and needlepoint won out. If someone came in to buy supplies for other forms of needlework it was sort of a Don't Ask/Don't Tell situation. Kind of silly, especially favoring needlepoint over embroidery. After all it is just embroidery stitches on an easier to manage grid. I am seeing more and more embroidery out in the world, created by people of all ages, worked on a variety of surfaces. I am nearly inspired to pick up a sharp needle myself, so I have lingered longer over the rows of hooks filled with silks, wools, metallics, ribbons, velvets, cottons. This is the kind of thinking that send me in circles. Would I add a few stitches to a cuff? Would I dig out the old fashioned crewel kits left to me by a customer? Use the dusty iron to transfer Day of the Week designs to tea towels. Ugh. I think I will leave it at showing you how many beautiful fibers we have, and you can use them for as simple or complex a project you like. Be you - use the colors you love, add beads and french knots, wear it, frame it, dry the dishes with it. We are here with lots of supplies.
Happy stitching,